Troop 163, Corvallis OR, USA
Welcome to Troop 163.
Here is some general information about the troop as a guide to parents.
We hope you and your Scout will have a great scouting experience.
Expect to join in fun outdoor activities,
to learn new skills, to see your boy grow in confidence and character,
and to become a leader.
- What's Happening?
An agenda is available for each weekly meeting,
distributed by email (please give your address to the Scoutmaster),
on paper (at the meeting),
and on the
troop web page.
This helps parents know what's planned for the meeting,
and what events are coming up.
- Leadership
Troop 163 Scouts learn leadership skills.
Assisted by adults, the boys conduct meetings, make plans, and carry
out their activities.
The troop is organized into patrols, groups of boys
who work together.
Each boy has an opportunity to be a patrol leader.
The patrol leader's job includes representing the patrol
and passing along information not available during the troop meeting.
Other leadership positions include senior patrol leader,
librarian, guide, and more.
- Merit Badges
Merit badges
and other rank advancement activities invite in-depth
exploration of a subject, and are the primary path to learning new skills.
Boys can choose from over 100 badges.
Requirements appear in BSA merit badge pamphlets and in the book
Boy Scout Requirements, available at Scout distributors
(highly recommended).
Many merit badge books are available to check out from the troop librarian.
The troop offers Scouts the opportunity to work on several
badges a year, and more are offered at summer camp.
- Camping
Camping is central to many Scout activities.
The Boy Scout Handbook includes
packing lists
and can help you
prepare for camping and hiking.
It is not necessary to purchase a lot of new equipment to get started.
Experienced campers in our troop will have suggestions for using
what you already have at home.
The troop also has some extra things your Scout can borrow to get started.
Meals for camping are usually handled within each patrol.
Each Scout may be asked to bring part of the food, or the patrol may
go shopping together to purchase the food.
Camping pictures
can be viewed on the web page.
(If you would prefer your child's picture not be on the web page,
please let Dave Regan know.)
- Fund raising
Troop costs are kept to a minimum, and financial assistance is available
for special needs. Fund raising helps. Events include popcorn sales,
wreath sales, and newspaper recycling.
If you have newspapers to contribute, they can be brought to the weekly
Periodically Scouts are asked to help bundle and load newspapers.
Each Scout's time is recorded and a percentage of the money earned is
put in his troop account.
He can earn additional funds through popcorn and wreath sales.
This is an opportunity for the boys to earn their own way to summer camp.
- How can you help
Troop 163 in managed by volunteers, mostly parents.
Your boy will appreciate your involvement.
- Parents are welcome at all meetings, and encouraged to attend.
- Parents lead many merit badges and other activities.
All activities include at least two adults for supervision
and safety.
- Parents meet several times per year to plan activities and
supervision -- please attend these meetings.
Add your email address to the parent's discussion group via the
troop web page.
- Watch for activities you would enjoy participating in.
Please contact the Scoutmaster to offer help as needed.
- Joining in you boy's activities is great fun and great adventure.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to
Dave Regan