Wear or carry:
___ Complete uniform
___ Hiking shoes or boots
___ Sweater or jacket
___ Poncho or rain suit
___ Brimmed hat
Carry in pockets:
___ Pocketknife
___ Matches in waterproof case
___ Bandanas
___ Wallet and money, including money for several phone calls
___ Individual toilet paper in plastic bag
___ 2 or 3 adhesive bandages
___ Mole skin or mole foam for blisters
___ 10 foot cord
Carry in top of packet or outside pocket:
___ Repair kit containing:
___ rubber bands ___ needles ___ thread
___ safety pins ___ buttons ___ fire starters
___ Pair of extra socks
___ Eating utensils:
___ knife ___ fork ___ spoon
___ Flashlight
___ bowl ___ plate ___ cup
___ Canteen or water bottle
Carry inside pack or fastened to pack frame:
___ Sleeping bag
___ Foam pad or air mattress
Carry inside pack:
___ Waterproof plastic ground cloth
___ Sneakers (summer)
___ Insulated booties (winter)
___ Plastic or bloth clothes containing:
___ extra shirt
___ Grooming kit containing;
___ extra pants
___ pajamas or sweatsuit
___ extra bandana
___ extra socks
___ change of underwear
___ Washcloth
___ Optional Items:
___ Comb
___ Biodegradable soap
___ Hand towel
___ Metal mirror
___ Toothbrush and toothpaste
___ Insect repellent
___ Sunscreen
___ Watch
___ Camera and film
___ Individual first aid kit
___ Swim suit and bath towel
___ Pillow
___ Personal tent
___ Musical instrument
___ Song book
___ Official Boy Scout Handbook or Fieldbook
___ Bible or prayer book according to faith
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan