August 2000, Camp Meriwether

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Troop 163 went to Camp Meriwether in the Cascade Pacific Council for summer camp this year. We had 10 scouts and 2 adults: Tom B, Neil B, Trevor d, Ty F, Curtis M, Peter R, Thomas R, Amphil R, Isaac S, and Andy W. The adults were Bob B and Dave R.

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We had good weather for most of the week. Friday and Saturday mornings were a bit wet.

The scouts worked on merit badges and the younger scouts worked on rank advancement.
The scouts started at the Cape Lookout trail head a couple of miles north of Camp Meriwether.One of the skits in the troop run campfire on Wednesday had a phrase coming from a mythical scoutmaster: Here's the trail, it's not far, I think I'll take the car. The adults drove from the trail head to the Camp taking in troop gear (lanterns, dutch ovens, etc.) and then met the scouts as they came down the beach.
Lake Chamberland is entirely within the scout camp. It is a natural lake formed when a sand dune formed in a valley blocking the drainage. The size of the lake changes on a yearly basis, but even at its largest is not a big lake. Trevor spent about five hours a day at the lake working on his BSA Lifeguard certification. Don Jackson is the camp chaplain, and has been around the summer camps in Oregon for close to forever.
There were three camp wide campfires during the week. My camera doesn't deal real well in low light, but this gives a fair impression of the scale of the fire bowl. The week we were at camp, they had close to 400 scouts, and this shot shows about 1/2 of one side of the fireball. Thomas during his first day at Wildlife Management.
The camp has two trading posts. The first is at one end of the camp, and the Little Lodge is the new trading post located closer to the activities. This made it convenient to sell supplies for merit badges, as well as to sell soda and candy. Hopefully they quit selling drinks in glass bottles. The camp is basically built on sand dunes and sand cliffs. Erosion is a constant problem at the camp, and appears to be a constant source of projects looking for service time.
The parade grounds are in a meadow down in front of the dining hall. The old water tank.
Part of the canoing merit badge involves swamping the canoe and then handling it. Part of the second class advancement requires proper folding of the flag.
The dining hall serves all of the meals in a family style. It is a little cozy, but is a building the has lots of character. It has a great view of the ocean and the flagpole with the Struan memorial.
We had to visit the medic's office a couple of times. Kirsen had a sign up dealing with her philosophy of dealing with people. Emma taught her Oceanography class down in the nature area under a shelter. The week we were there, she had rather large classes.

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