23 May Scout Day 2003 Have Jay talk New scouts, recruitment, leadership opportunities The schools are out on Friday, and the district is having a scout day at Troop 3 cabin for all boys, even those not in scouts. This is intended as a recruitment tool for the cub scouts, but they want Boy Scouts to help staff the events. This gives the Boy Scouts some leadership opportunities, and may give a first glimpse of scouts in our troop to younger kids.
12 June Flag ceremony at the Elks The Elks have have kind enough to let us use their rifle range. We help them out with a flag ceremony for Flag Day.
14 June Flag ceremony at the Elks This Saturday ceremony is done to replace the flag in front of their building. We will need two scouts and an adult to run this.
??? June June camping Right now, this is scheduled for the 14th. This is probably not the best date.
17 - 23 Aug Summer camp at Camp Pioneer
Discussion of summer activities.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan