27-29 September Fall Rendezvous This is a camping trip where there will be many troops and many displays. We will need to deal with transportation and menus. fill in signup sheet
5 October Conrad Shultz Eagle Court of Honor We will be holding Conrad's Eagle Court of Honor at the Troop 3 cabin on Saturday at 1:00. He is our newest Eagle Scout. Come help him celebrate his accomplishment.
11 October Swim night at the swim pool This will be at 7:00 to 8:45 at the Osborn swim pool. Let's stay familiar with the water!
11-13 October Webelo Weekend This is a chance to meet the Webelo's and teach them some scout skills at Camp Baker. fill in signup sheet
12 October Merit Badge Clinic This is your opportunity to get one of the Citizenship Merit or Communications merit badge. These are Eagle required merit badges, and well worth your time to learn the material and get the badge out of the way. fill in signup sheet
Packing presentation by Ty and Curtis
Menu Planning
Scout skills and Personal Management Merit Badge.
Bring your scout books!
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan