--- Phone lists. The scout master has phone lists available.
--- Parent's meeting at 7:00PM Thanks to the great turnout for the parent's meeting last Tuesday. The parents are an important part of this troop.
--- Camporee report have all camporee participants talk about what made this camporee fun.
27 May Memorial Day We will not meet next week, as it is a holiday.
3 June Court of Honor We will hold the Court of Honor at one of the parks. We will do this as a Pot Luck, so bring a dish, and come as a family to recognize the achievements of the scouts. Because this is dinner, the plan is to meet at 5:30, with dinner at 6:00.
10-11 June Dune's Trip Our troop will make a trip to the dunes at Honeyman state park for the weekend.
13 June Flag Day The Elk's allows us to use their rifle range each year. In exchange, we help with a flag ceremony for Flag Day. This year we are looking for four scouts to help out on the 13th from about 6:30 to 7:40 (and you get food), and two scouts to help out on the 15th to retire the flag that flies in front of their building at about 5:30.
7 July Summer Camp We will need the remainder of the camp fee ($55) tonight. Get medical forms from Dave Regan. If others want to go, contact Dave Regan.
Scout skills and Merit badge clean up.
We will have rope and small poles available for lashing practice.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan