--- Thank you There are some thank you cards for the Benton Bowman and the Corvallis Elks. Please sign these to show our appreciation for the use of the facilities.
--- Jefferson Carnival Thanks for all of the support at the Jefferson carnival.
--- ASPL elections It is time for ASPL elections. Give a description of what the ASPL and SPL do.
17-19 May Camporee We need to get a count of the people who will be going to the camporee. There is a fee associated with the camporee to buy supplies.
7 July Summer Camp We will need the remainder of the camp fee ($55) by May 13th. I will have medical forms for people to get filled out.
Art merit badge for many of the scouts, and basic scout skills for our newest scouts.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan