Agenda for 8 April 2002

SPL: Ty Farley ASPL: Gareth da Cunha

--- Service Project Thanks for all of the help we got cleaning the path.

13 Apr Scout Show We aren't having a booth, but troop 2 is looking for some larger scouts to help with the climbing wall, and Pack 17 could use some help as well. Have Jay and Paul give a short presentation

15 Apr Troop meeting at Regan's house. This is a required saftey meeting for those going to the Archery/Rifle trip. We will also be planning menus. 1321 NW 30th, best approached from 29th and Mulkey.

20-21 Apr Archery / Rifle trip This event is coming around the corner. This is another great trip for the scouts.

17-19 May Camporee This is a big event with four districts. We will need adults along for the weekend to help man activities. Please contact the scoutmaster.

4 July JC's Firework cleanup Ty will talk about this service project

7 July Summer Camp $100 of summer camp fees are due. The remainder of $55 will by May 13th.

--- OA Elections This year our candidate is Curtis Michael. Have Thomas give a talk on what the OA does


Art merit badge for many of the scouts.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan