--- 20 Mile Coast hike We didn't get out on the coast hike yet because the weather wasn't on our side. Let's wait a little while for this.
21 Mar Bridge Crossing We have three Webelos making the transition from Cub Scout Pack 17 to our troop. I know that all of the scouts will make sure that these new scouts are well received. We will have a small group of scouts going to this event to help with the Bridge Crossing. Curtis is our current Troop Guide; he will have his hands full. We will need an adult willing to work with Curtis and the new scouts (and their parents) as they get settled in the troop.
23-25 Mar Ft. Steven's pass out sign up sheet Time to plan for our campout this weekend. This is a two night outing taking over Monday of spring break. Plan the menus so that the younger scouts can complete their rank advancement requirements.
20-21 Apr Archery / Rifle trip This event is coming around the corner. This is another great trip for the scouts.
7 July Summer Camp Summer camp has been scheduled for the week of July 7th.
Menu planning
Art merit badge for many of the scouts.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan