--- Thank you all for your participation in the Court of Honor.
16 Mar 20 Mile Coast hike This event depends upon the weather. Given sufficient adults, there will be a cut out point at 10 miles. This will be a day hike with minimal gear, and will help scouts with their compass/hiking requirement for First Class as well as a 20 mile hike for the Hiking merit badge.
17 Mar Pinewood Derby The scoutmaster is trying to get further details on how they want help.
23-25 Mar Ft. Steven's The scouts always look forward to this camping trip. For all scouts not yet First Class, look in your book, and select several requirements to get done towards the next rank. There are always cooking requirements, axe/knife safety, hikes, etc. that can be worked into this trip.
13 Apr Scout Show What sort of project do we want to work on this year? Towers are great, but doesn't allow for lots of audience interaction. What other projects might be interesting? We will also need adults to help lead this, as the scoutmaster will be out of town on that weekend.
20-21 Apr Archery / Rifle trip This event is coming around the corner. This is another great trip for the scouts.
7 July Summer Camp Summer camp has been scheduled for the week of July 7th.
Art merit badge for many of the scouts.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan