--- Wreath Sales Have Conrad Shultz do a presentation Have wreaths available for pickup
--- Webelo recruitment What sort of activities would the scouts like to see happen to support a recruitment activity? Some possible ideas: First Aid Night, Splash!, Open House Night, Others? What would have helped you?
--- Scout handbooks The scoutmaster has several new scout handbooks available for $7.95.
--- Merit Badge Fair There will be a one day merit badge session arranged by the district on February 16th. We need to sign up by early December. Have scout master run through the badges to get names
9 Nov Second Friday swim at Osborn
10 Nov Food drive pickup.
10 Nov Football parking lot fundraiser We have the opportunity to do a fund raiser by selling parking spaces at the OSU football game. People participating get a share of the profits added to their camping account. You will need to bring a sack lunch as this will happen right after the food pickup.
Get a show of hands who can help out after the food pickup.
12 Nov Troop Meeting There will be a normal troop meeting in part to prepare for the camping trip and the recruitment activity. We have a busy week going.
13 Nov Food sorting at Fairgrounds. This is a community service project to help get the food packages ready for distribution. We will meet at the fairgrounds from 6:00 until 8:00.
14 Nov Pack visit for recruitment. 7:00 at Fairplay School.
17 Nov Crabbing trip at Waldport
Introduction of the Electricity merit badge by John da Cunha.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan