--- Popcorn turn in This is the day to turn in popcorn orders.
--- Wreath Sales Have Conrad Shultz do a presentation
--- OSU Swimming, Lifesaving, and BSA Lifeguard People at OSU are offering special classes for these merit badges and certificates. This is a great opportunity to build life long skills, and give a leg up on summer employment opportunities. Are there people here interested in Swimming? Lifesaving? BSA Lifeguard?
8 Nov Food drive flier distribution Have Tim Kimble do a small presentation
9 Nov Second Friday swim at Osborn
10 Nov Food drive pickup.
10 Nov Football parking lot fundraiser Members of our troop want to go on the sailing trip in 2003, and the summer camp of 2002. Fundraisers can help pay for these costs. The goal of this fundraiser is to allow access to Aketon's parking lot for the football game. Like other fundraisers, the money is split between the troop and the camping accounts for those scouts who participate. This will happen directly after the food pickup, so you will need to bring a sack lunch.
12 Nov Popcorn distribution
--- New patrol structure We will do something different this year. We will organize two patrols with a mix of age groups. This will allow the older scouts to mentor the younger scouts through the various scouting requirements.
17 Nov Crabbing trip at Waldport
Introduction of the Electricity merit badge by John da Cunha.
Discussion for those not taking Electricity on what merit badge they'd like to approach, weighted towards Eagle Merit badges.
Bring the scout books, so that we can check off completed items.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan