Ty wants to work on Flags. He will either do this as people arrive, or before break.
--- Webelo Weekend recap Have Gareth and Thomas talk about what they did at Webelo Weekend
--- Sailing in 2003 Last week a good number of scouts expressed interest in a summer sailing trip. Here is a signup sheet. If you are interested, please sign up. We will then collect enough money for a deposit so that we can make the reservation (and get a date), and then we move from there.
15 Oct ASPL Elections Grant has held the SPL job since mid April. It is time for Ty to take over as SPL and elect a new ASPL to help Ty with the job.
19/20 Oct JLT - Junior Leader Training Describe JLT.
26-28 Oct Order of the Arrow Fall Ordeal. For those who were elected, but haven't gone through the ordeal, now is your chance.
29 Oct Popcorn turn in This is the day to turn in popcorn orders.
8 Nov Food drive flier distribution
9 Nov Second Friday swim at Osborn
10 Nov Food drive pickup.
The program will consist of Environmental Science. Bring your collected junk mail. We are almost done.
Bring the scout books, so that we can check off completed items.
Maria and Trish will be working with some of the scouts for recruitment activities, and work with younger scouts on advancement.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan