7:00 Opening flag ceremony
--- Camporee We had great weather for the camporee. Congratulations to Ty, Nick, Grant, and Gareth on being tapped out for the Order of the Arrow, the scouting honor society. Have those who attended tell something that they learned about on the trip
22 May Committee Meeting The adults of the troop are encouraged to attend the last committee meeting of the school year. 7:00 at the New Morning Bakery.
26 May Endicott Lake This is part of the Environmental Science merit badge.
28 May Memorial Day. No troop meeting, have fun on the weekend.
2 June Philmont training hike The philmont crew will be doing a practice hike at Mary's Peak. Others are welcome.
4 June Party Time! We will have our Monday meeting at Avery Park with troop 2 and some students from Highland Middle school who have expressed some interest in scouting. We will need volunteers for some activities including dutch oven deserts, lashing, water ballon targets, etc. The scoutmaster will be talking to people after Memorial Day, but if you have something you want to help with, get to him first.
11 June Citizenship in the Nation Finish up any homework you have for Citizenship in the Nation.
14 June Flag Day Ceremony at the Elk's Each year the Elk's allow us to use their rifle range for one of our outings. In order to help repay their kindness, we help with the Flag Day ceremony at their meeting place. We will need seven scouts for this activity. There will be a signup sheet on the 11th.
18 June Youth Protection We will be viewing the Youth Protection video. This is a strongly encouraged meeting for all, and required for those people going to Philmont. We will have a signup sheet for the Cooking merit badge at this meeting, which would be a very good merit badge for those who currently don't have it. This meeting will be at the Regan's house.
25 June Citizenship in the Nation / Environmental Science trip This is a tentative activity at the EPA. More information will come later.
The program activity tonight will consist of Environmental Science with Alan Mix and Scout Skill Development for the other scouts. Please bring your books.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan