7:00 Opening flag ceremony
--- Freeze Dried Food Checks. Please turn in money for Freeze Dried Food to Dave Regan
--- Coast Day Hike We went to Cape Perpetua for a 9+ mile hike on Saturday. The weather was great. Have those who attended tell something that they learned on the hike.
22 May Committee Meeting The adults of the troop are encouraged to attend the last committee meeting of the school year. 7:00 at the New Morning Bakery.
26 May Endicott Lake This is part of the Environmental Science merit badge.
Summer Cooking Merit Badge Meetings in the summer are much less formal than our school year meetings. Lynne Regan has offered to teach the Cooking Merit badge to those scouts interested in eating more than Top Ramen.
18-20 May Camporee Camporee is this weekend. We will be meet at Jefferson at 5:30 on Friday afternoon, and leave at 5:45. There will be a short hike in where we will set up camp for the night. Then we will move to the next site on Saturday. The Philmont scouters should consider this another opportunity for practice with their gear. The hikes are only a couple of miles each, so it won't be as far as the Coast Hike. There is a cost of $5.00 to help run the camporee. We still need adult volunteers.
Have the scoutmaster talk
More information about camporee is at: http://host.scouter.com/ak/bentonbsa/camporee.htm Pass out signup sheet. Have scouts work out menus.
The program activity tonight will consist of Citizenship in the Nation and Scout Skill Development.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan