7:00 Opening flag ceremony
This evening we will be working on merit badges and advancement first, then break, and finish up with the business meeting.
--- Thank you cards Please sign the thank you cards for the Elks and Benton Bowmen for the use of their facilities.
--- Thanks to all of the scouts who participated in the Jefferson School Carnival for the Archery and Rifle trip.
2 May Philmont meeting Meeting at 7:00 at Regan's house. It turns out that we are going on close to the same trek that the troop went on a few years ago. John Dion will talk some about what to expect and answer questions. First Aid preparation.
2, 9, 19 May Adult Training Scout troops operate because parents participate in making opportunities available to their boys. This set of classes (3 days) helps parents learn more about the scouting program. Talk to the scoutmaster for more information.
6 May Environmental Science Next troop meeting will be part of the continuing Environmental Science merit badge. Jody Farley will be talking about air pollution. He has spent the last few years working on sensing and scrubbing technologies for industrial settings, and should give a good talk.
18-20 May Camporee This is an opportunity to test out your scouting skills, and Order of the Arrow tap out.
26 May Endicott Lake This is part of the Environmental Science merit badge.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan