7:00 Opening flag ceremony
--- Physical fitness Who is working on the physical fitness merit badge? look for hands Who should be? look for hands
--- Merit badge suggestions The Communications merit badge will be coming to completion soon. What merit badge would the scouts in the troop be interested in pursuing? Some suggestions are: Woodworking, Photography, Winter Sports, Public Speaking, Hiking, Environmental Science, Citizenship in the Nation, Aviation. Any other suggestions? What would the scouts like to do?
28 Feb Philmont meeting There is a Philmont meeting on the 28th. The location is to be determined.
12 Mar Court of Honor
24-26 Mar Ft. Steven's trip In the past this has been a popular destination. Last year we had a side trip to the maritime museum, and the year before that we went to the air museum. Any suggestions for a side trip for this year?
7:30 Communications merit badge by Tim Kimble Rank advancement.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan