7:00 Opening flag ceremony
--- Popcorn sales update It is time to turn in popcorn orders to Maria either tonight or next monday.
--- Patrol leader elections. Grant is now the Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders. It is time to elect new patrol leaders for each of the patrols. Take a look at the people in your patrol, and choose someone who will be effective at organizing people.
24, 25, 27 Oct Computer Merit Badge We will be holding a class for the computer merit badge at Peak's computer lab on Western and 14th. Call Dave Regan if you need instructions. This will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. (Note it is Friday, and not Thursday) at 7:30 to about 8:30 or 9:00.
Send around a signup sheet for computer merit badge.
28 Oct 2000 River's Edge Curtis is organizing this trip, and has a call in to the Forest Service. Last year, this was a lot of fun. There is a large meadow and the Alsea River. Let's get those merit badges finished such as Wilderness Survival. Also, we will want to complete the rank advancement for the newer scouts for the Court of Honor coming up. Take a look at the things that you are "almost done" with, and let's polish them off.
Send around a signup sheet for camping.
8 Nov 2000 Food drive flyer distribution On Wednesday at 3:45, scouts will be meeting at Jefferson after school to help distribute flyers for the food drive.
9 Nov 2000 Food drive packaging at Jefferson Several scouts need to go down to Jefferson to help bag or box up food that they have collected at the school.
11 Nov 2000 Food drive pickup We will be picking up food on the 13th. We will need adults (and their cars) as well as the scouts.
11 Nov 2000 Webelo training practice We will get together after the food drive pickup on the 11th for a potluck lunch at the Regan's house to discuss how we will handle the Readyman award.
13 Nov 2000 Webelo training session Our troop meeting will use the program time to help some Webelo's through their Readyman award.
20 Nov 2000 Court of Honor The Court of Honor will be held at Jefferson in place of our regular troop meeting. Make sure the scoutmaster remembers everything you have earned.
--- It is time to plan your menus. Please write down your menu, and let one of the adults look at it. Also, plan for how your patrol will get the food. The computer merit badge may make this task a little more challanging than normal.
Take a little time to plan menus
Break coordinated by Conrad
7:30 Citizenship in the Community and scout skill training.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan