7:00 Opening flag ceremony
--- Popcorn sales update See if Maria has anything she wants to say.
--- Webelo training session See if Trish has anything to say here.
--- Splash! in Eugene Thanks to all of those who went to Splash! It looks like the Webelos had a good time there.
--- Elections Time for elections!
18 Oct 2000 Philmont meeting We will be meeting (place to be determined) at 7:30. All participants should show up for this.
20/21 Oct 2000 JLT - Junior Leader Training
28 Oct 2000 River's Edge Curtis is organizing this trip, and has a call in to the Forest Service. Last year, this was a lot of fun. There is a large meadow and the Alsea River. Let's get those merit badges finished such as Wilderness Survival. Also, we will want to complete the rank advancement for the newer scouts for the Court of Honor coming up. Take a look at the things that you are "almost done" with, and let's polish them off.
The Citizenship in the Community group will be heading to the City Council at this time.
Break coordinated by Conrad
7:30 First Aid and Citizenship in the Community
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan