Agenda for 9 October 2000

SPL: Sean Mix ASPL: Trevor deVos

7:00 Opening flag ceremony

--- Popcorn sales update See if Maria has anything she wants to say.

--- Webelo recruiting See if Trish has anything to say here.

--- Newspaper tying Thanks to those scouts who helped with newspaper including: Amphil, Sean, Ty, Curtis, Thomas, Peter, Neil, Isaac, and Grant.

--- Recruitment Each scout who gets a friend to join scouting before December 15th will have earned a Recruiter patch for their shirt.

15 Oct 2000 Splash! in Eugene It is time to sign up. We need as many scouts as possible to go to give a good impression. Make sure to treat the Webelos with respect, and go to have a lot of fun. Meet at 10:45 at Jefferson school, leaving at 11:00. Bring $4.00 for admission, and a sack lunch, swimsuit, and towel.

16 Oct 2000 Elections Our current patrol leaders, Senior Patrol Leaders, etc. have served since April. Trevor will be our new SPL in October, and we will need to conduct ASPL and Patrol Leader elections.

20/21 Oct 2000 JLT - Junior Leader Training This course is for those scouts who want to learn more about leadership. Through your years as a scout (and later), you will have the opportunity to lead various activities. This course is intended to be an introduction to leadership skills.

28 Oct 2000 River's Edge Curtis is organizing this trip, and has a call in to the Forest Service. Last year, this was a lot of fun. There is a large meadow and the Alsea River. Let's get those merit badges finished such as Wilderness Survival. Also, we will want to complete the rank advancement for the newer scouts for the Court of Honor coming up. Take a look at the things that you are "almost done" with, and let's polish them off.

9 Nov 2000 Food drive, part 1 The Jefferson School will be collecting food leading up to the big food drive. We need some scouts on Thursday to help box the food up. We will pick this up on Saturday when we do the big pick up.

Break coordinated by Conrad

7:30 First Aid and Citizenship in the Community If you have work to do on the Citizenship badge, please complete it.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan