7:00 Opening flag ceremony
--- Popcorn sales update See if Maria has anything she wants to say.
--- Webelo recruiting Have Trish Browning give her presentation here. The basic goal is to have scouts visit Webelo dens to teach an appropriate skill, and give the Webelo's some contact with our troop.
8 Oct 2000 Newspaper tying We are tying newspapers at the Scoutmaster's house on Sunday at 1:00pm. All scouts are encouraged to participate; the first year scouts are encouraged to bring their parents as well. The scouts earn money in their accounts for activities such as summer camp. Depending upon the price of newsprint, and how effective the scouts are at tying the newspaper, this can add up to a fair percentage of their summer camp fee.
15 Oct 2000 Splash! in Eugene We are going to Splash on Sunday the 15th, and will take some Webelos with us.
16 October 2000 Elections Our current patrol leaders, Senior Patrol Leaders, etc. have served since April. Trevor will be our new SPL in October, and we will need to conduct ASPL and Patrol Leader elections.
Mid Dec 2000 Scrambled McManus From the 14th to the 17th, Tim Behrens will be presenting "Scrambled McManus" at the Majestic Theatre. This is a play written from material from Pat McManus' books on various adventures in outdoor life and just plain growing up in a very rural area of Idaho. The books are worth reading, and the plays are great. You don't even have to like the outdoors to appreciate the humor in the these presentations.
The scoutmaster is going on Friday the 15th and invite all of the scouts and family to join me. The price is $12.50 for adults, and $8 for youth under 17. You will need tickets ahead of time, so either contact the scoutmaster to order your tickets, or buy them yourself.
Break coordinated by Conrad
7:30 First Aid and Citizenship in the Community Dave Regan (and others) will be helping with the First Aid merit badge this week for Kevin Hanauer. Bring your scout books (as you should every week).
Don Solmon is stepping in for Roger Evans for the Citizinship in the Community merit badge this week.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan