Agenda for 8 May 2000

SPL: Sean Mix ASPL: Trevor deVos

7:00 Opening flag ceremony

--- Time for summer camp fees Have Dave Regan talk about medical forms.

15 May Troop meeting / Food purchase Some members of the troop will be going on a series of hikes for the backpacking merit badge. Some of the scouts may be going out camping with their families. Mr. Kimble has arranged for us to be able to purchase freeze dried foods from Oregon Freeze Dry at very favorable rates. Consider how many meals you would like to purchase, and we will have forms to fill out. We need to get this order in to give them plenty of time to process the order.

19-21 May Camporee We will need adults for this trip, and it is the final session for the adult training class. Have the scoutmaster talk about camporee this year.

10-11 June 10 Mile Lake This is a popular area down towards the coast. We should have canoes and rowboats available.

15 June Flag day at the Elks The Elks let us use their rifle range each year. In partial exchange, we help with a flag ceremony for Flag Day. We will need a group of about 8 scouts who can help out with this. This will take about an hour of time.

23-25 June 15 Mile hike This is part of the Backpacking merit badge. If you are not part of the backpacking class, talk to John Dion about going.


7:30 Backpacking merit badge.

Scout Skills. Work with scouts on basic skills.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan