7:00 Opening flag ceremony
--- Thanks to Antwoine, Isaac, Neil, Sean, and Thomas for help with newspapers.
--- We need a $60 deposit for Camp Meriwether from: Matt, Trevor, Dave, and Amphil The full price of camp will be $180 will be due at the start of May.
15 Apr Scout show If Maria wants to talk about the candy sales, allow her some time. If Jody is here, allow him to have some time on the floor. We will meet at the fairgrounds on Friday the 14th at 7:00 PM. We will need both adults and scouts as we work on getting the first part of the tower constructed. Bring gloves. The troop will supply pizza and soda. It is time to put the lashing practice into use.
17 Apr Youth Protection Presentation Please bring a parent along for this presentation. It will be held at about 8:00
22 Apr Community Service Project We need to remove a few small trees from Mary's Peak which are blocking a trail. This is a service project we promised to the Forest Service for the use of their campground. We will need a fair number of scouts, an adult with a chainsaw, and a truck. We can keep the wood from the trees for future outings.
28 Apr Jefferson Carnival Jefferson School has a carnival once a year to build school spirit. Our scout troop participates in this by operating a booth. We will need scouts for this event.
29-30 Apr Archery / Rifle trip
7:30 Don Solmon will be holding the class for Family Life.
Rowdy Webb will be talking to scouts working on Citizenship in the World. Bring your books!
Scout Skills
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan