As a change from normal practice, we will set up a number of chairs for scouts to sit on rather than sitting on the stage.
7:00 Opening flag ceremony
Thanks to those scouts who helped tie newspapers: Trevor, Grant, Sean, Thomas, and Conrad
19 Feb Longbow 3 Saturdays from now. We will be inviting Webelos to this trip. There will be opportunities to work on rank advancement. 21 Feb No meeting, holiday. 27 Feb Webelo visitation We will be having visitors from Wilson school this day. Do your best to ensure that the visitors have a good impression of scouting. 6 Mar Court of Honor Time to finish up merit badges and rank advancement, and get paperwork in. If you have any questions about a particular badge, ask the scoutmaster. Time to finish up! 10-11 Mar Junior Leader Training This is an opportunity for any scout who hasn't been through this program to get some leadership training. The troop will pay the fee. Talk to Sean, Thomas, or Ty for ideas of what happens during this training session. 15 Apr Scout show We need to decide what we want to do at the scout show this year. In the past we have built towers of different designs. We can do something similar, or try a different project. Think about it, and we will have a discussion later. --- Orienteering Have Dave Regan talk about the Orienteering club in the Portland area. Break.
7:30 Don Solman will be starting the Family Life merit badge. This is a once a month session involving the interested scouts with their parents. Sean Mix will be having a Scoutmaster Conference Rowdy Webb will be availble this week to help scouts with Citizenship in the World. Scout skills.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan