Agenda for 18 October 1999

SPL: Thomas Regan ASPL: Sean Mix

7:00 Opening flag ceremony

Hopefully we will get some visitors from Pack 163. If so, have them introduce themselves, and then have the troop introduce themselves to the visitors.

current Popcorn sales Remember that this is popcorn sale time. See if Kevin is available and wants to say anything.

past Junior Leader Training Thomas, Sean, and Ty went to JLT this last weekend. Have these people come forward, and give a short description of some of the things which were learned.

past OA Ordeal Let Conrad give a short description on what the OA Ordeal was like at Camp Baker.

23-24 Oct River's Edge on the Alsea Road. We are scheduled for the River's Edge group campsite in exchange for a service project.

Bring work gloves and clipping equipment, as well as long sleeved shirts and long pants. We will be clearing some blackberries.

Have Sean give a report on fishing regulations

Pass around a signup sheet for participants

The patrols need to plan their menus and equipment needs. Have the menu checked off by an adult before break time.

Break. Game by Thomas and Curtis.

7:30 Merit badge classes.

Thanks to Rowdy and Tim for running these classes

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan