7:00 Opening flag ceremony
current Popcorn sales Remember that this is popcorn sale time. See if Kevin is available and wants to say anything.
15-16 Oct Junior Leader Training This class is intended for those scouts holding leadership posts, or who are likely to soon hold such posts. Sean, Ty, and Thomas are currently signed up. There is still room for others.
23-24 Oct River's Edge on the Alsea Road. We are scheduled for the River's Edge group campsite in exchange for a service project.
Sean will give a report next week on fishing regulations.
Elections It is time for elections. Thomas will be taking over from Nick. Thanks for a good job Nick We need a new ASPL as well as each of the patrols to choose patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders.
Some of the duties will involve a monthly meeting to help plan troop activities outside of the normal troop meetings.
7:30 Merit badge classes.
Thanks to Rowdy and Tim for running these classes
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan