7:00 Opening flag ceremony
Have people talk about summer camp.
Junior Leader meetings: In an attempt to keep these meetings moving along, we will be having monthly meetings of the patrol leaders and other youth leaders. This is where we will be scheduling outings and other activities. If you have ideas, please let your patrol leader know so they can get discussed at the leadership meetings.
Upcoming events: The scoutmaster will announce the adult items 16 Sep Committee meeting for adults at 7:00 PM at New Morning Bakery 6 Oct Adult Leader Training This is a three part class on the 6th, 13th, and 22nd-23rd of October. If you haven't gone through this course, and are helping with the scouts, it is worth taking this course. Contact Dave Regan for particulars.
25-26 Sep 8 Lakes basin area This will be a short, overnight hike of about 10 miles. Nick and Thomas are working on getting appropriate maps, and permits. We should have more information next week.
27 Sep Court of Honor This is the tenetive date for the Court of Honor. We will get to recognize all of those scouts who earned their rank advancement as well as other awards.
4 Oct - 1 Nov Citizenship in the World Rowdy Webb will be leading this merit badge during troop meetings. We will be limiting the class size. However, if there are more people who want to take this course then we have slots, we may be able to get him to teach another session. We will have an additional merit badge class being taught during the same time for those not interested or able to take this one.
15-16 Oct Junior Leader Training This class is intended for those scouts holding leadership posts, or who are likely to soon hold such posts. Contact Dave Regan for particulars.
23-24 Oct Alsea River trip. We are tenetively scheduled for a trip along the Alsea River. The place we went last year had a large field for playing games, as well as river fishing opportunities. More information later.
7:30 First Aid Review.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan