7:00 Opening flag ceremony
Thanks to the scouts who helped with paper tying. This looks to add about $100 to the troop treasury for scout activities.
We had four scouts take the Fingerprinting meritbadge class. This class is likely to repeated. Have Andy, Conrad, Grant and Thomas tell what they learned.
Upcoming events: 5-6 June 10 Mile Lake
6 June JP's Eagle Court of Honor. 3:00 Troop 3 cabin.
7 June Court of Honor The Court of Honor will be held at Walnut park. This is the last Monday *before* the end of school.
10 June Flag day ceremony 12 June Have Walt present this information if he is here. The Elk's allows us to use their rifle range, and in return, our troop have helped the Elks by conducting flag ceremonies on special occassions. There are two ceremonies. The first is on the 10th, and requires 7 scouts in uniform and will be at their site from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. The second ceremony is on Saturday and is a change of the flag at their outside flag pole at 6:00 PM and will last about 15 minutes. This needs four scouts who can form an honor guard and know how to fold a USA flag.
7:30 Personal Management and Emergency Preparedness Kathy Kimble is working with the scouts at finishing the requirements for Personal Management.
Kevin Hanauer will be working with the scouts with their Emergency Preparedness merit badge in a 1 on 1 basis.
The scout master will be working with the younger scouts with their rank advancement.
Please have the scouts bring the appropriate material.
Closing flag ceremony.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan