Agenda for 17 May 1999

SPL: Nick Hanauer ASPL: Thomas Regan

7:00 Opening flag ceremony

Have the people who were at camporee talk about their experiences there.

Andy Welsh, Trevor deVos, and Thomas Regan have been elected to the Order of the Arrow. Congratulations to all of them.

Upcoming events: 19 May Fingerprinting 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Corvallis Police. Get the merit badge books, and read it. There are still a couple of books left to borrow.

22 May Newspapers Our trailer is full of newspapers. It is time to tie newspapers at Dave Regan's house at 9:00 AM. This is at 1321 NW 30th. Donut holes will be available.

5-6 June 10 Mile Lake

6 June JP's Eagle Court of Honor. 3:00 Troop 3 cabin.

7 June Court of Honor The Court of Honor will be held at Walnut park. This is the last Monday *before* the end of school.

11-13 June Order of Arrow ordeals. The new members need to 23-25 July go to one of these events. There is a fee, and 15-17 Nov they need to pre-register. The July event is at Camp Melakwa, and the other two are at Camp Baker.

Aug 9-13 Cub camp and webelo camp are still looking for boy Aug 16-20 scout helpers. Last week a couple of scouts expressed interest. Please talk with Dave Regan.


7:30 Personal Management Kathy Kimble wants to spend about 15 minutes reviewing the work of the scouts working on this merit badge.

Further program material to be arranged.

Closing flag ceremony.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan