7:00 Opening flag ceremony
Report on the Jefferson Carnival. Get scouts who attended up to describe what they did.
Report on our trip to Benton Bowman's and the Elk's rifle range. Get scouts who attended up to describe what they did.
Upcoming events: 14-16 May Camporee We will need people to help with training. Compass, firebuilding, first aid, etc.
June camping trip In May we have Camporee and in July we have summer camp. We don't currently have a trip planned for June and we should decide on an idea and get someone to plan it. In the last couple of years, we have gone to the coast. Another idea is a bike ride. With the end of school, we might be able to do a 3 day trip. Any other ideas? If you have other ideas, feel free to talk to me over the break. If we have an overwhelming consensus for a particular idea, attempt to get a volunteer to plan it, especially if it is a bike trip.
Reminders mentioned last time, but we still need to be aware of these dates: 19 May Fingerprinting 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Corvallis Police. You must read the merit badge book before attending, and bring the book with you. 22 Jul 2001 Philmont Scout Ranch. We will need ideas for fund raising to make this real. Please pass any ideas to members of the troop committee.
7:30 Order of Arrow election.
7:45 Personal Management Kathy Kimble wants to spend a few minutes reviewing the work of the scouts working on this merit badge.
Compass work for camporee by Sean Mix and Jody Farley.
Closing flag ceremony.
If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan