June 2000, Elk's Flag Day Ceremony

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Each year the Corvallis Elk's offers our troop the use of their rifle range for our Archery / Rifle campout. In exchange, we help the Elks by participating in a Flag Day ceremony.

The announcer tells of the history of flags that have been used over the course of our nation's history starting with the early colonial flags, and extending to the present 50 star flag.

This year, we had seven scouts participating: Neil B, Diego D, Ty F, Curtis M, Peter R, Conrad S, and Isaac S.

In addition, on Saturday, Neil and Ty helped raise a new flag at the Elk's, as their old flag had faded over the past year.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan

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If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan