June 2000, 10 Mile Lake / Camp Baker

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On the 10th of June, our troop was to go to 10 Mile Lake. Through a series of unfortunate circumstances, we ended up with a van that could not make the last 5 miles of the road. To keep the trip from being a washout, we ended up backtracking and stayed at Camp Baker. We stayed in the Jason Lee campsite.

Given the weather predictions, we were very lucky, and had only very light rain during the weekend.

We had a number of scouts out on this trip including: Neil B, Diego D, Ty F, Curtis M, Amphil R, Peter R, Thomas R, Conrad S and Isaac S.

This camping trip actually worked rather well. The older scouts spent several hours working with the new scouts on their Tenderfoot requirements, and the scouts in the middle worked on their First Class. Ty basically finished his First Class on this trip.

Thomas and Conrad decided that they were going to eat well on the trip, and actually had some fairly nice meals.

The new scouts had decided on hot dogs for dinner. The tripods in the background are part of the First Class requirements.
The older scouts were cooking their dinner on a stove.
The adults had a dutch oven meal.
The flowers and campfire, as well as the deer and the peaceful surroundings made up for the hectic start of this campout.

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If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan