November 1999, First Aid Night

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On 29 November 1999, Troop 163 invited some of the second year Webelo scouts to a First Aid Night. This was a chance for the scouts to practice their first aid, as well as showcase the troop to webelo scouts who are examining troops to choose for their Boy Scout years.

We had adults act as victims and judges. In the case on the left, a young lady (?) fell off her bike and broke her collarbone. Her knee was also cut open. On the right, Lynne had fallen out of a tree, and broke her leg. She also hit her head on a rock.
Another crew works on Lynne. John was out hiking, and suffered from heat stroke.
Alan had a variety of incidents, including massive bee stings, a racoon bite, and while running, tipped and fell. He was allergic to bees. Don is getting patched up again.
At the end of the night, we had stretcher races where all of the participants had the chance to ride the makeshift stretchers across the gym.
The stretchers were also used as a method for moving between disaster stations throughout the night.   

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