Agenda for 10 March 2003

SPL: Curtis Michael ASPL: ???

Thanks to all of the adults who showed up at the adult meeting. The adults help to ensure that there is a scouting program.

Soon Newspapers We need to pick up newspapers. We will need a couple of scouts for an hour after school or so. Have Dave talk

13 Mar New Leader Essentials 14-15 Mar Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills 22 Mar Boy Scout Leader Basic Adult training for Boy Scouts. Some of this is different than Cub Scout adult training. Talk to the scoutmaster for additional information.

21-23 Mar Ft. Stevens This is a popular outing to the Northwest corner of the state. There is a gun battery dating from Civil War time, a wrecked ship, and other historic opportunities.

7 Apr Court of honor It's time for a Court of Honor to recognize the accomplishments of the scouts. We will also have the Friends of Scouting presentation on this night. The meeting will be in the Gym.

12 Apr Scout Show Besides our booth, the cub scout pack may also like a bit of additional help. It isn't time to have sign up for this yet, but keep it in mind.

16 - 18 May Camporee Camporee this year will be back in the woods. There will be a short hike in, but there will not be a hike on the next day.

17 - 23 Aug Summer camp at Camp Pioneer We will need to get commitments for summer camp, as well as adults to help lead the group. See: pioneer/index.html


Chemistry merit badge.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan