Agenda for 25 November 2002

SPL: Curtis Michael ASPL: ???

We had a small group do the Geocaching on Sunday. We got to learn about how to use GPS receivers in a simple fashion, and find hidden boxes.

Thanks to the large group who helped out assembling food boxes last Monday. We met the lady in charge on Sunday in the park, and she said that almost all of the boxes have been delivered.

29 Nov Thanksgiving

14 Dec Merit badge clinic There is a new merit badge clinic on the 14th. On the last one, Thomas was able to work through his Emergency Preparedness merit badge. This is an opportunity to work on some Eagle required merit badges.

Discussion time with scoutmaster about plans for next week.


Personal Management merit badge Hiking Merit badge

Bring your scout books!

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan