Agenda for 7 October 2002

SPL: Curtis Michael ASPL: ???

9 October Adult Training, New Leader Essentials This is an introductory class for any adults who are interested in the scouting program. It will be held at the First Christian Church at 6:30.

11 October Swim night at the swim pool This will be at 7:00 to 8:45 at the Osborn swim pool. Let's stay familiar with the water!

11-13 October Webelo Weekend This is a chance to meet the Webelo's and teach them some scout skills at Camp Baker.

12 October Merit Badge Clinic This is your opportunity to get one of the Citizenship Merit or Communications merit badge. These are Eagle required merit badges, and well worth your time to learn the material and get the badge out of the way.

16-18 October Adult Leader Training This is a three evening class for adults interested in scouting. It builds upon the New Leader Essentials.

21 October Court of Honor It is time to recognize the accomplishments of all of the scouts.

26-27 October Camping It is time to decide which camping area to go to for this month. An option might be River's Edge. Do we have people that can help the scouts who want to do fishing?

July Summer camp We need to decide on a summer camp location so that we can get signed up. Let's do that tonight.


The scouts working on their Personal Management merit badge have work to do. It is time to get things together for the Court of Honor on the 21st.

Let the scoutmaster know what you've completed, and let's all help the scouts complete their next rank if at all possible.

Bring your scout books!

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan