Agenda for 10 June 2002

SPL: Gareth da Cunha ASPL: Curtis Michael

16 June Newspapers We will be tying newspapers at Don Solmon's house at 3:00 on Sunday. The address is 345 NW 32nd St. There is an alley behind the house where the garage is located. Tying papers is one of the ways scouts can earn money to go to summer camp.

22-23 June Dune Trip We will be going to the dunes at Honeyman state park. We won't have a meeting next week, so it is time to find out who is going, and to plan meals.

13 June Flag Day A number of scouts have volunteered to conduct the flag ceremony at the Elks. This year is somewhat different in that we will be sharing the responsibility with a group of Girl Scouts. We will meet at 6:30 at the Elks and have supper. Be in full uniform.

15 June Retire the flag at the Elks. Roger will be working with a small contingent to retire the flag flying outside the Elk's building at 5:30.

24 June Summer Camp meeting We will have a meeting at the scoutmaster's house for the people going to summer camp. We will discuss the opportunities and expectations for camp. The scouts will have fun, and the potential for advancement in rank and merit badges. Please bring your completed health forms!

4 July 4th of July For the last several years, our troop has received a good viewing area for the fireworks. It is across the Willamette River near the crew docks. We may be doing some additional work earlier on the 4th in preparation for the fireworks.

5 July 4th of July clean up We will conduct a service project of cleaning 1st street and the golf course. We will be meeting bright and early at 5:00 on 1st street.

7 July Summer Camp

Menu planning for the Dune's trip

Activities as designated by the SPL

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan