Agenda for 13 May 2002

SPL: Gareth da Cunha ASPL: Curtis Michael

--- Art merit badge complete Thank you to Trish and Becky for offering this activity to the scouts. Some scouts need to finish up some items.

14 May Parent's meeting at 7:00PM At the New Morning Bakery at 219 SW 2nd St. All parents of Scouts in Troop 163 are invited and encouraged to attend. We will be planning many of the activities for the summer and taking care of logistics. We need some help to make sure that these activities come off well and are good experiences for our sons.

17-19 May Camporee We need to get a count of the people who will be going to the camporee. There is a $7.50 fee per scout fee for this event. Medical forms Water and waste disposal Food choices Activities Web info:

13 June Flag Day The Elk's allows us to use their rifle range each year. In exchange, we help with a flag ceremony for Flag Day. This year we are looking for four scouts to help out on the 13th from about 6:30 to 7:40 (and you get food), and two scouts to help out on the 15th to retire the flag that flies in front of their building at about 5:30.

7 July Summer Camp We will need the remainder of the camp fee ($55) this week. I will have medical forms for people to get filled out. If other people want to go, please contact the scout master.


Camporee preparations. We have new scouts; let's make sure that they know what to bring to have a fun outing. This involves some basic scout skills, camping, what to expect, etc.

Some people have freeze dried food from Oregon Freeze Dry. Please bring any that you can spare. Other scouts, please bring a little money to buy what is needed out of the stock.

If people want, we can probably make another purchase from Oregon Freeze Dry.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan