Agenda for 1 April 2002

SPL: Ty Farley ASPL: Gareth da Cunha

--- Introduce new scouts with old scouts

--- Thanks to Gareth and Thomas helping greet our new scouts at the Bridge Crossing. Gareth also participated in the Order of the Arrow ceremonies.

--- Swimming/Life Saving/First Aid merit badges. KidsSpirit at OSU is offering merit badge classes. If you are interested, call them at 737-7597 to sign up.

6 Apr Service Project We will meet at 9:00 AM on the path along Dixon Creek behind Jefferson School. Parents are encouraged to help. Bring gloves, clippers, heavy rakes, water and help keep the blackberries from overtaking a path that our troop help build in prior year.

15 Apr Troop meeting at Regan's house. This is a required saftey meeting for those going to the Archery/Rifle trip. We will also be planning menus.

20-21 Apr Archery / Rifle trip This event is coming around the corner. This is another great trip for the scouts.

17-19 May Camporee This is a big event with four districts. We will need adults along for the weekend to help man activities. Please contact the scoutmaster.

7 July Summer Camp Summer camp has been scheduled for the week of July 7th.

Menu planning


Art merit badge for many of the scouts.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan