Agenda for 25 February 2002

SPL: Ty Farley ASPL: Gareth da Cunha

2-3 Mar Junior Leader Training This is an opportunity for scouts to learn some skills for leadership instead of having to discover everything the hard way.

4 Mar Court of Honor Time to finish up merit badge and rank requirements.

9 or 16 Mar 20 Mile Coast hike This event depends upon the weather. Given sufficient adults, there will be a cut out point at 10 miles. This will be a day hike with minimal gear, and will help scouts with their compass/hiking requirement for First Class as well as a 20 mile hike for the Hiking merit badge.

10/17 Mar Pinewood Derby The scoutmaster has been asked to help with Pack 163's pinewood derby, and will need a few people to help.

24-25 Mar Ft. Steven's The scouts always look forward to this camping trip. Let's make it an advancement trip as well and get a short hike in on the coast, as well as the cooking and knife requirements dealt with.

7 July Summer Camp Summer camp has been scheduled for the week of July 7th.


Art and a Board of Review for Curtis' First Class rank.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan