Agenda for 11 February 2002

SPL: Ty Farley ASPL: Gareth da Cunha

--- Ski Trip Last week we discussed a skiing trip. The dates appropriate at this point are the 16th, 17th, 23rd, and 24th. Sundays don't work for some families, and Saturdays are out for others.

15 Feb Swimming at Osborn It is time for the monthly swim. Call for a show of hands for those going swimming

16 Feb Merit badge Fair

18 Feb No meeting, holiday

2-3 Mar Junior Leader Training This is an opportunity for scouts to learn some skills for leadership instead of having to discover everything the hard way.

4 Mar Court of Honor Time to finish up merit badge and rank requirements.

10/17 Mar Pinewood Derby The scoutmaster has been asked to help with Pack 163's pinewood derby, and will need a few people to help.

9 or 16 Mar 20 Mile Coast hike This event depends upon the weather. Given sufficient adults, there will be a cut out point at 10 miles. This will be a day hike with minimal gear, and will help scouts with their compass/hiking requirement for First Class as well as a 20 mile hike for the Hiking merit badge.

7 July Summer Camp Summer camp has been scheduled for the week of July 7th.


Finish electricity.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan