Agenda for 9 April 2001

SPL: Grant Kimble ASPL: Ty Farley

7:00 Opening flag ceremony

--- Environmental Science We will be starting the Environmental Science merit badge tonight after break.

13 - 14 Apr Scout Show We will meet at 6:30 on Friday at the fairgrounds to get the start of the structure ready. We will have pizza and soda available. Bring gloves. We will then meet at 9:00 on Saturday morning to finish the structure, and to man the booth. We will need adults as well for both times. Bring a 7/16 wrench as well, as we will need to also spend some time helping with the district booths. pass out sign up sheet

16 Apr Troop meeting at Regan's house This is the required meeting to get ready for the archery / rifle trip on the weekend.

21 - 22 Apr Archery / Rifle We are planning on our annual archery and rifle trip for the 21st.

27 Apr Jefferson School Carnival Each year we help our sponsoring organization by running a booth at the Jefferson School Carnival. We will need scouts to help man the booth.


7:30 Environmental Science by Alan Mix Lashing

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan