Agenda for 30 October 2000

SPL: Trevor deVos ASPL: Grant Kimble

7:00 Opening flag ceremony

--- Boards of Review We will be needing adult help to conduct Boards. As the scouts progress through their rank advancement, they go through review boards composed of adults. This is not a hard task, and you get to see the scouts gain confidence as they advance. Please call Alan Mix if you can help with this process.

--- River's Edge We had a wet, but productive weekend. Have the participants describe what they did.

--- Popcorn sales update It is time to turn in popcorn orders to Maria either.

8 Nov 2000 Food drive flyer distribution On Wednesday at 3:45, scouts will be meeting at Jefferson after school to help distribute flyers for the food drive.

9 Nov 2000 Food drive packaging at Jefferson Several scouts need to go down to Jefferson to help bag or box up food that they have collected at the school.

11 Nov 2000 Food drive pickup We will be picking up food on the 13th. We will need adults (and their cars) as well as the scouts.

11 Nov 2000 Webelo training practice We will get together after the food drive pickup on the 11th for a potluck lunch at the Regan's house to discuss how we will handle the Readyman award.

13 Nov 2000 Webelo training session Our troop meeting will use the program time to help some Webelo's through their Readyman award.

20 Nov 2000 Court of Honor The Court of Honor will be held at Jefferson in place of our regular troop meeting. Make sure the scoutmaster remembers everything you have earned.


7:30 Citizenship in the Community and scout skill training.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan