Agenda for 22 November 1999

SPL: Thomas Regan ASPL: Sean Mix

7:00 Opening flag ceremony

Thanks to all of the people who helped with the food drive in the various phases. The scouts of the district are a large part of getting these extra meals out to low income families.

now Wreath sales We started a little late on wreath sales. However, your customers won't be waiting. This has been a very successful fund raising activity in the past, with scouts paying their entire way through summer camp with their efforts here.

29 Nov First Aid Night I expect about 4 dens to show up. As this is a troop promotion activity, please be in uniform and on time.

4 Dec Newspaper tying It is time to tie the newspaper again. This will be at 9:00AM at the Regan's house. This is another fundraiser. The last time each of the scouts earned about $10 towards their camping.

11 Dec Mary's Peak trip We will be camping near the summit, in the camping area below the parking lot. The road will be closed, so we will have about a 3 1/2 mile hike into the camping area. It looks like there will be snow on the peak, with at least a foot of new snow. Remember to pack appropriately for these challanges.

Upcoming Philmont information We will be having information on Philmont soon. This is the scout ranch in New Mexico which provides a great challange to the older scouts. We will have a video tape as well as some scouts who have participated in the past talk about the experience. This will be useful for parents to attend as well.


7:30 The last scheduled night for Citizenship in the World

For those scouts who don't finish up tonight, don't dispair. Keep in contact with Rowdy and finish those requirements. This is an Eagle Scout merit badge, so is well worth the time you spend on it.

If you have any question about this page, send mail to Dave Regan